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Missions (Scenarios) for P3D

Introduction | Why | Missions | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | Tutorial | FIP


I recommend disabling all airport and scenery addons, otherwise the flights will probably not work correctly.
I create flights for P3dV4 and V5. Unfortunately not all flights are compatible with each version.
Each mission has the compatible P3d version in front of the download link: P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6

Mission description Mission image
Mission 31
HelicopterSchoolPart1 (Created: 06.03.2024)

In helicopter school part 1, you will learn how to pick up and set down the helicopter. You will also complete hover exercises in the hover square.

The mission comes with detailed training documents from Bernhard.
Bernhard was a helicopter pilot in the German Armed Forces on the UH 1-D (including IFR) and a flight instructor on the AL II in basic helicopter training.

The individual exercises last 15 to 45 minutes each, but you must be aware that you have to complete about 5 hours of training to master hovering to some extent.
Quote from Bernhard:

I consider hovering and the hover square to be the ultimate at the beginning of helicopter flying. Why? Hovering is always necessary in helicopter flying. It starts with hovering when picking up before take-off and ends when setting down after landing. External loads, rescue flights, winches, landings on slopes ... I can't really think of a situation in which hovering is not needed. So it makes sense to devote a lot of time to the subject.

It's not nice to see simulator pilots just pulling a helicopter off the ground, quickly gaining altitude and speed because the hover is not intact.

As soon as you have mastered picking up and setting down (take-off and landing), you can practise hovering in the hover square.

The standard exercise (see standard on the left) can be flown "automatically" after a while, so a new task follows:
Random hovering in the square. For each corner of the square, I will give you a different random corner.

You can set the level of difficulty yourself by selecting whether you want to fly to 5/10/15 corners (see Random on the left, 4 possible routes are shown here).

For more information, read the briefing as pdf: HelicopterSchoolPart1.pdf (130KB)
Here are the training documents as pdf: TrainingDocuments.pdf (166KB)


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6 HelicopterSchoolPart1.zip (471KB)



Looks messy?
Just follow a certain helicopter color.

Mission 32
HelicopterSchoolPart2 (Created 10.05.2024)

In Helicopter School Part 2, you will learn to climb/descend at a constant speed and climb/descent rate. You will also fly turns with different bank angles. Finally, you will practise the quick stop.

The mission comes with detailed training documents from Bernhard.
Bernhard was a helicopter pilot on the UH 1-D (including IFR) in the German Armed Forces and a flight instructor on the AL II in basic helicopter training.

The individual exercises last 15 to 30 minutes each, but you must be aware that you will need to train for 20 to 30 hours before you are sufficiently proficient in the helicopter.

For more information, read the briefing as pdf: HelicopterSchoolPart2.pdf (462KB)


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6 HelicopterSchoolPart2.zip (1MB)

Mission 33
VOR Training (Created 18.08.2024)

In this mission you train VOR navigation with 2 different aircraft:

1) With the Maule, the flight is quite easy, thanks to the modern autopilot, 2 navigation displays and DME.

2) With the C69, the flight is much more difficult because the old autopilot only has a few functions. In addition, there is only one navigation display and no DME. You have to measure the distances to be flown using a stopwatch. There is no stopwatch built into the C69, so you have to have one ready, or if necessary you can use a cell phone with a stopwatch function.

You are in Switzerland, at Geneva Airport (LSGG). The flight takes you over Lake Geneva, to the right along the Rhone Valley to Sion Airport (LSGS), see map on the right.

The weather leaves a lot to be desired, as it is cloudy, windy and visibility is only just under 3nm.
That's why you have to stick very closely to the altitude indications and follow the VOR course exactly to avoid flying into a mountain.

For more information, read the briefing as pdf: VORTrainingE.pdf (1MB)


P3dV4 This flight is not possible with V4 because not all the required VOR stations are available.

P3dV5 | P3dV6 VOR TrainingE.zip (1.9MB)

Click on the map for a larger view.

Mission 34
IslandAirlines (Created 10.11.2024)

In this mission you fly the route of the shortest airline in the world with a Ford Tri-Motor.
The route leads from Port Clinton (KPCW), to Put in Bay (3W2), on to Middle Bass East Point (2W9), to Rattlesnake (58OH), to North Bass (3X5), back to Put in Bay (3W2) and back to the starting airport Port Clinton (KPCW).

A round with 6 take-offs and 6 landings takes around 60 minutes. Two rounds are flown in constantly changing wind and weather conditions, so you have plenty of time to familiarize yourself with the aircraft.

Some landings will take place in strong crosswinds, so it is helpful to be able to interpret the windsock correctly, see picture on the right.

The “Ford Tri-Motor” is absolutely essential for this flight.
Download this airplane here:

If you know my previous missions, you know that unexpected things will happen on the way.
For more information, read the briefing as pdf: IslandAirlinesE.pdf (720KB)


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6 IslandAirlinesE.zip (1.8MB)

Mission 35
TicTacToeFlight (Created 10.01.2025)

Lockheed Martin has included a “Tic-Tac-Toe Script Example” with the flight simulator.
This example is not very appealing graphically, you play against yourself (no computer opponent) and you simply stand on the runway while playing.

That's why I wanted to find out whether Tic Tac Toe could also be created in “beautiful” form, with an “AI” as the opponent and the whole thing as a flight.

I wanted to realize this game without scripting, only with actions, areas, triggers and objects and had to solve many problems. The AI in particular required a lot of thinking.

This flight - Tic Tac Toe has a special feature:
You can see the playing field from two sides.
From the other side, all the pieces already placed are mirror-inverted. So you have to “rethink” after turning them over.

You can choose to play against a simple AI (winning is possible) or against an intelligent AI (the maximum possible score is a draw).

You can also play with any aircraft, the playing field is large enough that even the largest aircraft (AN225) can be used. Even gliders are possible, because I have built in extra thermals for gliders.

As usual with my missions, something unexpected can happen.
In other words, I have built in an “Easter Egg” which is triggered with a 50% chance in a certain game situation.
Who can find the “Easter Egg”?

For more information, read the briefing as pdf: TicTacToeFlight.pdf (1MB)


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6 TicTacToeFlight.zip (1.9MB)

Large playing field (AN225 in the center):

Thermals for gliders:
(marked green for illustration).

Mission 36
Mission 37
Mission 38
Mission 39
Mission 40
I hope you enjoy these flights, if so, please give feedback to p3d@andi20.ch.
Also send error messages (spelling mistakes, wrong information, etc.) to me, I appreciate any feedback.

Introduction | Why | Missions | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | Tutorial | FIP