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Missions (Scenarios) for P3D

Introduction | Why | Missions | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | Tutorial | FIP


I recommend disabling all airport and scenery addons, otherwise the flights will probably not work correctly.
I create flights for P3dV4 and V5. Unfortunately not all flights are compatible with each version.
Each mission has the compatible P3d version in front of the download link: P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6

Mission description Mission image
Mission 21
Medication delivery (Created: 17.11.2021 | 12.10.2023 English)

This is a follow-up mission to "Relief Delivery" (Mission 16).

Because you didn't manage to drop the medicine on the small island during the "Relief Delivery" the other day, you now have to deliver the medicine with a seaplane.

A seemingly simple task, let yourself be surprised....

You have the choice between several flight modes:
- 4 different mission progressions (random flight).
- Choose one of 4 flights by yourself.
- Choice with / without help.
- Super hard mode: random flight without help and tightened conditions (e.g. monitoring speed, propeller speed, etc.).
- Up to 8 mission objectives must be achieved.

For this flight, the seaplane "D18S CAFNM" is absolutely necessary.
Download this aircraft here:

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: MedicationDelivery.pdf


Amended on 10.01.2024, V2.6: Many untranslated and incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 MedicationDeliveryV2.6.zip (632KB)

Old version remains online for now:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 MedicationDelivery.zip (632KB)

Mission 22
IFR Kronoberg Part1 (Created: 07.01.2022 | 14.10.2023 English)

Your boss wants you to fly to Kronoberg to pick up the colleague who has been on "Swedish vacation" for 3 years.

Because of bad visibility, you have to fly according to IFR rules (IFR = Instrument Flight Rules).
So that even beginners can cope with it, there are 4 flight modes, from easy to difficult.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: IFR KronobergPart1(e).pdf


Amended on 14.01.2024: Many untranslated and incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 IFR KronobergPart1(e)V4 1.6.zip (941KB)

P3dV5 | P3DV6 IFR KronobergPart1(e)V5 2.6.zip (947KB)

Old versions remains online for now:
P3dV4 IFR KronobergPart1(e)V4.zip (941KB)
P3dV5 | P3DV6 IFR KronobergPart1(e)V5.zip (947KB)

Mission 23
IFR Kronoberg Part2 (Created: 05.02.2022 | 15.10.2023 English)

The boss wants you to pick up the colleague who has been "on Swedish vacation" for 3 years.
You have just flown the outbound flight (flight: IFR Kronoberg).

Because of bad weather the return flight is delayed. You leave later in the afternoon.

Because the flight ends in darkness, you must fly according to IFR rules (IFR = Instrument Flight Rules).

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: IFR KronobergPart2(e).pdf


Amended on 20.01.2024: Many untranslated and incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 IFR KronobergPart2(e)V4 1.6.zip (997KB)

P3dV5 | P3DV6 IFR KronobergPart2(e)V5 2.6.zip (1188KB)

Old versions remains online for now:
P3dV4 IFR KronobergPart2(e)V4.zip (997KB)
P3dV5 | P3DV6 IFR KronobergPart2(e)V5.zip (1188KB)

Mission 24
GrandCanyonRennen (Created: 22.04.2022 | 17.10.2023 English)

Fly a challenging course through the Grand Canyon.

Fly through all 175 gates and try to stay under 35 min. Pay attention to the fuel, afterburner consumes extremely much.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: GrandCanyonRace.pdf


P3dV4 GrandCanyonRaceV4.zip (2504KB)

P3dV5 | P3DV6 GrandCanyonRaceV5.zip (2505KB)

Current best time (without refueling):
00:24:54.4 (Evidence image)

Mission 25
XXL freight delivery (Created: 28.05.2022 | 18.10.2023 English)

Fly a cargo from Zurich to Paris with the AN225.

Your boss got himself a new plane, an AN225. No, not the plane destroyed in Ukraine. Years ago he bought the unfinished AN225 and finished it. Just in time, the plane is now ready for its first cargo mission, because there is no other aircraft that can carry this cargo.

For this flight, the AN225 is absolutely necessary.
Download this aircraft here:

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: XXL-CargoDelivery.pdf


Amended on 13.03.2024: Many incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 XXL-CargoDeliveryV4 3.1.zip (1112KB)

P3dV5 | P3DV6 XXL-CargoDeliveryV5 3.1.zip (1116KB)

Old version remains online for now:
P3dV4 XXL-CargoDeliveryV4.zip (1112KB)
P3dV5 | P3DV6 XXL-CargoDeliveryV5.zip (1116KB)

The loading of the AN225 is worth seeing (click on the picture above).

Mission 26
Reservoir tour (Created: 10.07.2022 | 20.10.2023 English)

Fly tourists to Swiss reservoirs.

Your boss wants you to make a reservoir flight with tourists.
As usual, the boss is profit-oriented, so combine this flight with package deliveries.

During this flight you will fly past world famous places Leukerbad, Saas Fee and Matterhorn among others.

For this flight, the seaplane "D18S CAFNM" is absolutely necessary.
Download this aircraft here:

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Reservoir-Tour.pdf


Amended on 13.03.2024: Many incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 Reservoir-TourV4 2.6.zip (1083KB)

P3dV5 | P3DV6 Reservoir-TourV5 2.6.zip (1116KB)

Old version remains online for now:
P3dV4 Reservoir-TourV4.zip (1083KB)
P3dV5 | P3DV6 Reservoir-TourV5.zip (1116KB)

Mission 27
Paris-NY(part1) (Created: 28.08.2022 | 21.10.2023 English)

Fly with a Concorde from Paris to New York.
(You'll do the return flight in the next mission).

Your boss wants you to fly a musician to New York.
The Concorde is the only plane that can meet the musician's tight schedule.

On the way problems with engine1+2 occur, but they can be solved easily.
I did not build these problems in, they happen unintentionally!
If anyone has an idea why, or how to avoid them, please contact me.

Concorde is absolutely necessary for this flight.
Download this aircraft here:

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Paris-NY1(e).pdf


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Paris-NY1(e)2.7.zip (1920KB)

Old version remains online for now:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Paris-NY1(e)2.6.zip (1920KB)
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Paris-NY1(e).zip (1920KB)

Mission 28
Paris-NY(part2) (Created: 28.08.2022 | 21.10.2023 English)

Fly with a Concorde from New York to Paris.
(You flew the outbound flight in the previous mission).

After landing in New York, you fly back to Paris a few hours later.
The landing is at night, so it's an additional challenge.

On the way, problems with engine 1+2 occur, but they are easily solved.
I did not build these problems in, they happen unintentionally!
If anyone has an idea why, or how to avoid them, please contact me.

Concorde is absolutely necessary for this flight.
Download this aircraft here:

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Paris-NY2(e).pdf


Amended on 13.03.2024: Many incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Paris-NY2(e)2.6.zip (1724KB)

Old version remains online for now:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Paris-NY2(e).zip (1724KB)

Mission 29
Evacuation (Created: 15.11.2022 | 22.10.2023 English)

Deliver building materials to a village.
Sounds like a boring flight, especially when you know that it's the same village you flew to a year ago in the "Relief Delivery" mission.

As usual, unforeseen things happen:
You have to fly to the fishing island you know from the mission "medicine delivery" because there is a threat of a volcanic eruption.

For this flight, the seaplane " Beriev Be-200" is absolutely necessary.
Download this plane here:

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Evacuation.pdf


Amended on 13.03.2024: Many incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 EvacuationV2.6.zip (426KB)

Old version remains online for now:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Evacuation.zip (426KB)

Mission 30
Hawaii (Created: 31.03.2023 | 03.06.2023 English)

Complete the exam flight.
You'll travel back in time to the year 1983 and complete the exam flight of your current boss.

The flight starts at Hilo airport and goes over the dormant Kilauea volcano.
Because the volcano suddenly erupts, there is a change of plans....

At the south end of the island, you'll test a 45-degree banked turn, then land at Kona Airport.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Hawaii (e).pdf (English version coming soon)


Amended on 13.03.2024: Many incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Hawaii (e)1.1.zip (1.19MB)

Old version remains online for now:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Hawaii (e).zip (1.19MB)

Click on the images for large view.

I hope you enjoy these flights, if so, please give feedback to p3d@andi20.ch.
Also send error messages (spelling mistakes, wrong information, etc.) to me, I appreciate any feedback.

Introduction | Why | Missions | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | Tutorial | FIP