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Missions (Scenarios) for P3D

Introduction | Why | Missions | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | Tutorial | FIP


I recommend disabling all airport and scenery addons, otherwise the flights will probably not work correctly.
I create flights for P3dV4 and V5. Unfortunately not all flights are compatible with each version.
Each mission has the compatible P3d version in front of the download link: P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6

Mission description Mission image
Mission 1
Island landing1 (Created: 28.12.2018 | 30.05.2023 English)

As a young aspiring pilot looking for work, you've signed on with a shady-looking transport company.
Your suspicions are heightened when the boss says:
"So you're the new guy who's filling in for our colleague who's been ...uh.... went on 'Swedish leave' for three years?"
Anyway, the pay is good and flying below 200 feet is a challenge you can't resist if you're a daredevil.

For more info, read the briefing pdf: Island Landing1.pdf


Approach 'Summerland Key Cove (FD51)' optimized, help for autopilot and speed improved.
P3dV4 Island Landing1 2.2V4.zip (952KB)

P3dV5 | P3dV6 Island Landing1 2.6V56.zip (994KB)

Old versions will remain online for the time being:
P3dV4 Island Landing1.zip (952KB)
P3dV5 | P3dV6 Island Landing1 2.5.zip (994KB)

Mission 2
NewYork Bridges (Created: 27.01.2019 | 25.09.2023 English)

Take a sightseeing flight in NewYork.

Here are 3 different missions packed in 5 variants:
1) Leisurely sightseeing flight
2) Fly under 13 bridges (without collision)
3) fly under 13 bridges (with collision damage)
4) Time race through 26 checkpoints with F-22 Raptor
5) Time race through 26 checkpoints with Electra 10A

For more info, read the briefing pdf: NewYorkBridges.pdf


24.12.2023: Untranslated texts correctly translated.
P3dV4 NewYorkBridges2.6.zip (1351KB)

P3dV5 | P3DV6 NewYorkBridges3.6.zip (1375KB)

Old versions will remain online for the time being:
P3dV4 NewYorkBridges2.5.zip (1351KB)
P3dV5 | P3DV6 NewYorkBridges3.5.zip (1371KB)

Here is an example of disappeared bridges in P3dV5:
Click on the image for larger view.

I have simply faded in the Areas, which monitor the
Bridge Passage...
Current best times at the races:
F-22: 00:4:28.4 (Evidence image)
10A: 00:14:47.0 (Evidence image)
Who can do it faster? Send pictures and I'll put them online.

Mission 3
Island landing2 (Created: 28.02.2019 | 26.09.2023 English)

This is a follow-up order to "Island Landing1". Of course, this mission is independent, but I recommend doing the missions in order, because this explains the story logically.

You did such a great job on the first flight, your boss now trusts you with everything!
Deliver goods to an island, you can even choose the plane (10A, or any other plane).

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Island Landing2.pdf


P3dV4 Island Landing2 3.0.zip (791KB)

P3dV5 | P3dV6 Island Landing2 4.0.zip (783KB)

Mission 4
Japan Islands1 (Created: 10.03.2019 | 27.09.2023 English)

This is the 3rd flight (previous ones were island landing 1 + 2), which you fly for the dubious boss.
As usual, no one should know what you are delivering to whom, so again low flying is the order of the day.

Take off, land on 2 islands and fly back to the starting airport.
Sounds like a boring flight? It's just work and it's often boring. But don't underestimate it, landing on the islands is extremely hard because the runways are really extremely short!

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Japan Islands 1.pdf


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6 Japan Islands1 3.5.zip (708KB)

Mission 5
LochNessTour (Created: 30.04.2019 | 29.09.2023 English)

This mission is my biggest project so far with 1727 objects.
This flight is inspired by my last trip to Scotland.

You are at Edinburgh airport. The flight takes you via Royal Mile, past Loch Lubnaig to Glencoe. From here it gets exciting, because you fly over Loch Lochy, Loch Oich and Loch Ness, in all 3 Loch's sea monsters should live. So keep your eyes open and fly low! At Inverness you fly south past Loch Leven, back to the Royal Mile. Landing back in Edinburgh.

A comfortable flight in a great area and maybe you will see Nessi...
The flight offers 4 variants:
1) Baron 58
2) You can choose any plane.
3) At 1732 Loch's (lakes) a seaplane might be useful!
4) Here you will see 3 similar - yes, what? (Emergency rescue included!)
-) :-] :-}

For flight variants 3 and 4 the seaplane "D18S CAFNM" is absolutely necessary.
Download this plane here:

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: LochNessTour.pdf


P3dV4 LochNessTourV4(e) 3.7.zip (572KB)

P3dV5 LochNessTourV5(e) 3.7.zip (595KB)

P3DV6 LochNessTourV6(e) 4.2.zip (598KB)

Old versions will remain online for the time being:
P3dV4 LochNessTourV4(e) 3.6.zip (572KB)
P3dV5 LochNessTourV5(e) 3.6.zip (595KB)
P3DV6 LochNessTourV6(e) 4.1.zip (598KB)

P3dV4 LochNessTourV4(e) 3.5.zip (572KB)
P3dV5 LochNessTourV5(e) 3.5.zip (595KB)
P3DV6 LochNessTourV6(e) 4.0.zip (598KB)

Mir ist eine bessere Aufnahme vom Nessie gelungen:

Mission 6
SwissGliderFlight (Created: 09.06.2019 | 30.09.2023 English)

Fly a temporary sightseeing flight in the Swiss mountains.

This sightseeing flight takes you over one of the most beautiful and famous areas of Switzerland.

Start in Bad Ragaz, via Chur to Lenzerheide/Valbella (great child friendly resort) to Tiefencastel. Past Thusis to Bellinzona, Biasca, over the Gotthard pass, along the Vorderrhein, over the Bündner Vorab, past Glarus and over the Walensee back to Bad Ragaz.

Prerequisite for this flight:
Glider (Ideally the "DG-202-15" and the "DG-800S-18" from Wolfgang Piper

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: SwissGliderFlight.pdf


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 SwissGliderFlight.zip (346KB)

Download the required gliders directly from me, without long search:
(Courtesy of Wolfgang Piper)

Current best times:
- Flight Light (01:41:21.9) Neu: 01:25:16.2 Evidence image
- Flight middle (01:48:04.3) Neu: 01:29:22.7 Evidence image
- Flight Heavy (02:02:13.7) Neu: 01:41:21.3 Evidence image
- Flight random (01:54:14.8) Neu: 01:29:26.3 Evidence image

Who can do it faster? Send pictures and I'll put them online.

Mission 7
Paris challenge (Created: 06.09.2019 | 01.10.2023 English)

You are at Le Bourget Airport (LFPB).

Take off, fly through 30 mandatory gates and land back at the airport.

A timer starts at 3 minutes and runs backwards. Try to fly through all the gates before the time runs out. Each gate flown through gives you an additional 10 to 60sec.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Paris challenge.pdf


Amended on 31.12.2023, V3.6: Translation error corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Paris challenge3.6.zip (785KB)

Old version remains online for the time being:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 Paris challenge3.5.zip (785KB)

Current best times:
300S: 00:13:10.8 Restzeit (Evidence image)
Who can do better? Send pictures and I'll put them online.
Mission 8
Klagenfurt1 (Created: 06.01.2020 | 07.12.2023 English)

You are in Austria at the airport Klagenfurt.
Your boss wants you to deliver (of course completely legal ;-) ) fireworks to Salzburg.

Probably there will be problems on the way, depending on the flight mode.
You can choose 6 different flight variants, besides flying "with/without help".
There are 3 different outcomes to the mission:
1) Landing in Salzburg
2) Landing in Zell am See
3) Emergency landing (at 7 predefined locations, or anywhere else...)

The completely revised version "V2" now works with P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6.

The " Aero Commander AC 500" is absolutely necessary for this flight.
Download this airplane here:

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Klagenfurt1(e)V2.pdf


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6 Klagenfurt1(e)V2.zip (1516KB)

Mission 9
Klagenfurt2 (Created: 14.01.2020 | 08.12.2023 English)

You are in Austria at Klagenfurt Airport.
I know, you already know this introduction! Yesterday, your colleague left for Salzburg with a delivery of fireworks and has been missing ever since!
Find the missing colleague.

The search will not be easy, because the colleague may have crashed / landed in 10 different places.

You can choose whether you want random, or fixed landing location.

Save the colleague (and especially the precious fireworks...).

The completely revised version "V2" now works with P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: Klagenfurt2(e).pdf


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6 Klagenfurt2(e)V2.zip (1104KB)

Mission 10
ME-NY (Created: 28.01.-10.04.2020 | 25-29.10.2023 English)

This is the re-enacted flight of "Steel Buddy" Michael, from Mendig to New York and on to Oklahoma, with the old biplane An2 (divided into 8 trips).

Unfortunately, the AN2 is not included in the P3D. This plane was available for purchase at Aerosoft.

Don't worry, I made the flight twice with a lot of effort, so that fans of the "Steel Buddies" can fly the flight without the AN2:
With the "Standard Mooney" from P3D.

Each trip has its own challenges:
- Sometimes there is fog (hardly any visibility) | There are engine problems | Visiting an air show | Circling around the Statue of Liberty | Thunderstorm | etc.

For more info read the briefings as pdf:
Trip1: Mendig-NY1(e).pdf
Trip2: Mendig-NY2(e).pdf
Trip3: Mendig-NY3(e).pdf
Trip4: Mendig-NY4(e).pdf
Trip5: Mendig-NY5(e).pdf
Trip6: Mendig-NY6(e).pdf
Trip7: Mendig-NY7(e).pdf
Trip8: Mendig-NY8(e).pdf

Download the flights for AN2:
Attention. These flights do not work without AN2.
(The AN2 is unfortunately not compatible with P3dV5 and P3dV6, therefore here only flights for P3dV4).
P3dV4 Attention! These flights will not work correctly without AN2 which must be purchased.
Trip1: ME-NY1(e).zip (748KB)
Trip2: ME-NY2(e).zip (845KB)
Trip3: ME-NY3(e).zip (741KB)
Trip4: ME-NY4(e).zip (662KB)
Trip5: ME-NY5(e).zip (5361KB)
Trip6: ME-NY6(e).zip (1051KB)
Trip7: ME-NY7(e).zip (557KB)
Trip8: ME-NY8(e).zip (756KB)
Download the flights for the Mooney:

Because the Mooney Acclaim is not simulated very realistically, I have added the Mooney Bravo as an alternative aircraft.

- With the Acclaim, the mixture setting has no influence on the engine performance, regardless of the altitude, the mixture can be set anywhere between 6 and 100%.

- The fuel consumption is far too low: fully loaded and with 100% fuel, the Acclaim easily flies from Paris to New York (3150nm) and still has more than 4% fuel in the tank, which is enough for another 150nm. According to the data sheet, only 1400nm are possible.

Trip1: ME-NY1BravoV4(e).zip (1017KB)
Trip2: ME-NY2BravoV4(e).zip (1141KB)
Trip3: ME-NY3BravoV4(e).zip (963KB)
Trip4: ME-NY4BravoV4(e).zip (931KB)
Trip5: ME-NY5BravoV4(e).zip (5630KB)
Trip6: ME-NY6BravoV4(e).zip (1321KB)
Trip7: ME-NY7BravoV4(e).zip (819KB)
Trip8: ME-NY8BravoV4(e).zip (1020KB)
P3dV5 | P3dV6
Trip1: ME-NY1V5(e).zip (995KB)
Trip2: ME-NY2V5(e).zip (1151KB)
Trip3: ME-NY3V5(e).zip (913KB)
Trip4: ME-NY4V5(e).zip (936KB)
Trip5: ME-NY5V5(e).zip (5861KB)
Trip6: ME-NY6V5(e).zip (1325KB)
Trip7: ME-NY7V5(e).zip (918KB)
Trip8: ME-NY8V5(e).zip (1024KB)
Old version remains online for the time being:
Trip1: ME-NY1Mooney(e).zip (746KB)
Trip2: ME-NY2Mooney(e).zip (842KB)
Trip3: ME-NY3Mooney(e).zip (739KB)
Trip4: ME-NY4Mooney(e).zip (659KB)
Trip5: ME-NY5Mooney(e).zip (5357KB)
Trip6: ME-NY6Mooney(e).zip (1048KB)
Trip7: ME-NY7Mooney(e).zip (560KB)
Trip8: ME-NY8Mooney(e).zip (759KB)
P3dV5 | P3dV6
Trip1: ME-NY1V5(e).zip (735KB)
Trip2: ME-NY2V5(e).zip (886KB)
Trip3: ME-NY3V5(e).zip (652KB)
Trip4: ME-NY4V5(e).zip (676KB)
Trip5: ME-NY5V5(e).zip (5600KB)
Trip6: ME-NY6V5(e).zip (1065KB)
Trip7: ME-NY7V5(e).zip (544KB)
Trip8: ME-NY8V5(e).zip (765KB)
I hope you enjoy these flights, if so, please give feedback to p3d@andi20.ch.
Also send error messages (spelling mistakes, wrong information, etc.) to me, I appreciate any feedback.

Introduction | Why | Missions | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | Tutorial | FIP