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Missions (Scenarios) for P3D

Introduction | Why | Missions | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | Tutorial | FIP


I recommend disabling all airport and scenery addons, otherwise the flights will probably not work correctly.
I create flights for P3dV4 and V5. Unfortunately not all flights are compatible with each version.
Each mission has the compatible P3d version in front of the download link: P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6

Mission description Mission image
Mission 11
Panama Canal (Created: 20.05.2020 | 01.10.2023 English)

This time your boss wants you to fly two passengers along the Panama Canal.
A simple flight, but why did the boss give you a co-pilot?
Something is wrong, isn't it?

This flight is P3d V4/V5/V6 capable.
If you own both versions, you can virtually time travel.
In V4 the locks are shown as in 1914, in V5/V6 you can see the enhancements of 2016.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: PanamaCanal.pdf


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 PanamaCanalV2.7.zip (922KB)

Amended on 01.01.2024, V2.6: Many translation errors corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 PanamaCanalV2.6.zip (922KB)

Old version remains online for the time being:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 PanamaCanal.zip (922KB)

Mission 12
GreenlandSpecial (Created: 28.06.2020 | 02.10.2023 English)

This mission was created because the airport "Kulusuk" (Greenland) is represented very special in P3dV5. The airport and the roads nearby are built on water.

Mission: Take off, land on one of the "water roads", take off again and land at the airport.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: GreenlandSpecial.pdf

(With P3dV4/V6 this flight is not possible because there is no faulty landscape.)


Amended on 01.01.2024, V1.6: Many translation errors corrected.
P3dV5 GreenlandSpecialV1.6.zip (429KB)

Old version remains online for the time being:
P3dV5 GreenlandSpecial.zip (429KB)

Mission 13
GliderRepro (Created: 10.08.2020 | 03.10.2023 English)

Dein Boss hat diesmal eine spezielle Aufgabe für dich: Du fliegst mit einem Kollegen zum Flughafen Lourdes-Pyrenees (Frankreich), dort suchst und übernimmst einen Segler, weil der Käufer seine Raten nicht beglichen hat. Dein Kollege schleppt dich in die Luft und du segelst zum Flughafen Pirineos (Spanien).

Prerequisite for this flight:
Glider (DG-202-15) by Wolfgang Piper

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: GliderRepro.pdf


Amended on 01.01.2024, V1.6: Many translation errors corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 GliderReproV1.6.zip (463KB)

Old version remains online for the time being:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 GliderRepro.zip (463KB)

Download the required gliders directly from me, without long search:
(Courtesy of Wolfgang Piper)

Current best time:
00:56:23.6 (Evidence image)
Who can do it faster? Send pictures and I'll put them online.
Mission 14
Suez Canal (Created: 13.09.2020 | 04.10.2023 English)

The boss wants you to fly 3 passengers along the Suez Canal.
They are the 2 doctors and the former patient from the Panama Canal flight.
Don't underestimate this rather boring flight, because unexpected things will happen!

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: SuezCanal.pdf


Amended on 03.01.2024, V4.6: Many untranslated and incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 SuezCanal4.6.zip (789)

Old version remains online for the time being:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 SuezCanal4.5.zip (789)

Mission 15
Test flightC69 (Created: 31.10.2020 | 05.10.2023 English)

Your boss has bought an old C69. Now you and a co-pilot are supposed to ferry the plane to Rivesaltes.
Seemingly a boring routine flight, but what is Murphy's law?
That's right: "Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong."
You have 7 flight modes at your disposal, which lead to 10 different mission completions.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: TestFlightC69.pdf


Amended on 21.12.2023, V3.6: Incorrect and untranslated texts correctly translated. Weather improved.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 TestFlight V3.6.zip (568KB)

Old version remains online for the time being:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 TestFlight V3.5.zip (569KB)

Failure landing gear

Mission 16
Auxiliary delivery (Created: 05.12.2020 | 06.10.2023 English)

Your boss wants to deliver a very large amount of material this time, so he's flying along personally to make sure nothing goes wrong. Only the boss knows where the flight will lead.

This flight is particularly interesting, because you will learn the truth about the "dubious boss".
You have now flown 9 missions for the boss: Island Landing1, Island Landing2, Japan Islands1,
Klagenfurt1, Klagenfurt2, Panama Canal, GliderRepro, Suez Canal, Test flightC69

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: AuxiliaryDelivery.pdf


Amended on 05.01.2024, V4.6: Many untranslated and incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 AuxiliaryDeliveryV3.1.zip (710KB)

Old version remains online for the time being:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 AuxiliaryDeliveryV3.0.zip (710KB)

Mission 17
Sion round trip (Created: 25.01.2021 | 08.10.2023 English)

This time you will land with big planes on small airfields, in real life this probably won't work.

But what does a pilot do when he has to land and there is only one small airfield nearby? He will try to land on that airfield, even if the runway is too short.

Better to crash into a row of trees at 25 knots at the end of the runway than to make an emergency landing in the forest at 250 knots, right?

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: SionRoundTrip.pdf


P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6 SionRoundTrip3.7.zip (1220KB)

Old versions remains online for now:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6 SionRoundTrip3.6.zip (1217KB)
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6.1 SionRoundTrip3.5.zip (1217KB)

Mission 18
MountEverest1 (Created: 11.04.2021 | 09.10.2023 English)

Your boss wants you to fly three passengers from Tribhuvan to Lukla.
These are old acquaintances, but the boss doesn't want to reveal who they are.

Tribhuvan to Lukla sounds boring.

- The Lukla airstrip has a 12 percent slope, so landing won't be easy!

- Those who know my previous missions know that this is not the only challenge.... Let me surprise you!

- I created the base camp at the correct location if you want to fly there.
This mission only works with P3dV5 and P3dV6.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: MountEverest1(e).pdf


Amended on 06.01.2024, V4.6: Many untranslated and incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV5 | P3DV6 MountEverest1(e)2.1.zip (1414KB)

Old version remains online for the time being:
P3dV5 | P3DV6 MountEverest1(e)2.0.zip (1414KB)

Mission 19
MountEverest2 (Created: 08.05.2021 | 10.10.2023 English)

Just landed in Lukla, you have to help with another emergency.
This time, however, not with the Maule, but with a helicopter.

Because of another emergency, you also have to fly up to Camp3.
Because a landing is impossible, you have to load the patient in a hover.

Towards the end of the mission you can decide if you want to fly up to Mount Everest as well.
This mission only works with P3dV5 and P3dV6.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: MountEverest2(e).pdf


Amended on 07.01.2024, V2.1: Many translation errors corrected and Briefing adapted.
P3dV5 | P3DV6 MountEverest2(e)V2.1.zip (952KB)

Old versions remains online for now:
19.10.2023 V2.0 English: Corrected various texts, or translated untranslated texts and weather corrected.

P3dV5 | P3DV6 MountEverest2(e)V2.0.zip (952KB)

P3dV5 | P3DV6 MountEverest2(e).zip (954KB)

Mount Everest

Hmm, is there one in the snow?
(Click on the picture for a larger view)
Mission 20
Problem landing (Created: 30.05.2021 | 11.10.2023 English)

Land a multi-engine aircraft with simulated control failure. By means of different power settings of the engines and elevator trim alone, the task is to approach the runway and land.

For more info, read the briefing as pdf: ProblemLanding.pdf


Amended on 08.01.2024, V4.6: Many untranslated and incorrect texts corrected.
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 ProblemLandingV2.1.zip (412KB)

Old version remains online for now:
P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3DV6 ProblemLanding.zip (412KB)

I hope you enjoy these flights, if so, please give feedback to p3d@andi20.ch.
Also send error messages (spelling mistakes, wrong information, etc.) to me, I appreciate any feedback.

Introduction | Why | Missions | 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | Tutorial | FIP