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Missions (Scenarios) for P3D

Introduction | Why | Missions | Tutorial | FIP

P3D (Prepared) is the successor to Microsoft's FSX flight simulator. FSX had many interesting missions back then.
In P3D missions are called "Scenarios", unfortunately there are only a few scenarios.

That's why I started to create my own missions/scenarios (for myself).
Now I would like to make these missions available to the public free of charge.

The first mission (in German) went online on 28.12.2018.
Admittedly, the first mission is quite simple compared to my latest missions, but it works and is fun!
If you complete my missions in order, you will notice how my missions improve (through more experience in mission building).

From 30.05.2023 I have started to translate the missions into English.
In the meantime, all missions have been translated and new missions will always be bilingual immediately.

This change has of course also required that my website becomes bilingual:
All missions that are downloaded from the German site are German: Here are the German missions
All missions downloaded from the English-language site are in English: Here are the English missions
Logical, but there were visitors who did not know where to download German/English missions.

The missions are created for P3DV4/5/6.
Each mission has the compatible P3d version in front of the download link: P3dV4 | P3dV5 | P3dV6
The installation is as simple as it is safe:

Copy the files of a mission into the P3D storage directory:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files ("USERNAME" must be replaced by your individual name and "v4" is different for "v5" and "v6" depending on the P3D version.)

Uninstallation : Delete the corresponding files again and everything is removed without leaving any residues.

A mission usually consists of 4 files and a directory (folder): Flight.fxml This is the actual flight
Flight.pln The flight plan for the GPS is stored here.
Flight.wx Here are the weather data stored
Flight.xml In this file are the mission data
Flight (folder) The folder contains the mission picture, the briefing and possibly needed sound data, as well as a printable version of the briefing (as pdf) and the readme.
Click here for the missions (Scenarios)
The tutorial explains in detail how to create your own mission (scenario).

The first question is why you should create your own mission.
A mission has advantages, you can control the flight very detailed.
A small example: You want to practice an emergency landing because an oil leak occurs 5 minutes after takeoff.

Normal saved flight:
Here you can activate an oil leak under Vehicle/Failures, Category: Engines, which starts 4 to 5 minutes after the beginning of the flight.
As soon as the event occurs, all oil will leak out within 20 seconds and the engine will stop.
You can see oil leaking from the engine and at the same time the oil indicator needle sinking fast, but you can't do anything at this moment.
The 20 seconds are hardly enough to recognize the problem, let alone to take countermeasures.

If you don't take off immediately now, but first prepare the aircraft (set flaps, adjust trim, set altitude and HDG in the autopilot, etc.) and quickly get a coffee, the oil leak will occur before you take off.

In comparison, the mission:
Here you also set an oil leak, but you can determine how bad the damage is:
0% = maximum oil leak (as in "normal stored flight").
100% = no oil leak
90% = small oil leak (here the oil slowly leaks out, it takes about 10 minutes until the oil is gone.
You can already see the oil leaking out of the engine before the oil indicator needle slowly starts to sink.
There is plenty of time to react accordingly, i.e. to look for an airport or emergency landing site on the map.

Here, the timer for the oil leak doesn't start until you start taxiing.

Of course, a mission also has disadvantages:
A "Normal saved flight" is created in 2 minutes and you can fly off.
Even for a simple mission you have to take a bit more time.

Click here for the tutorial.

FIP (Flight Instrument Panel)

The FIP has nothing to do with missions, but since I just tinkered an ad for me,
I also want to make this ad available for download.

I hope you enjoy these flights, if so, please give feedback to p3d@andi20.ch.
Also send error messages (spelling mistakes, wrong information, etc.) to me, I appreciate any feedback.

Introduction | Why | Missions | Tutorial | FIP